Kingsnorth, West Ashford, Ashford with Shepway

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Melvilles 1858 Directory of Kent.

KINGSNORTH is a parish and small village two miles and a half south. of Ashford. The church of St. Michael is small and ancient. The living is a rectory in the gift of John Alleston, Esq., the Rev. Richard Baldock is the incumbent. The population in 1851 was 424. Snell Hatch is half a mile S.W.; Park House, half a mile N.; West Hawk, half a mile N.W.; Beaver, one mile and a half north; Billham, one mile east; Cheeseman's Green, Collier's Hill, Sill. Broad Oak, and Chequer Tree, two miles S.E,; Mountford, Mountfilde, or Munford, half a mile south, was a seat of the Woodchurch Clarkes in the middle ages. To the north of the parish is Marshland, and to the south Woodland.

Post Office - William Theobald, Receiver, The nearest Money Order Office is at Ashford.

Baldock, Rev. Richard, M.A., Rectory


Back, George, farmer
Barton, John, farmer
Barton, Richard, grazier
Bean, William, grazier
Bingham, James, fanner
Bingham, John blacksmith
Bingham, William, shopkeeper
Bishop, Stephen, farmer
Budd, Alfred, grazier
Dray, William, farmer
Epps, John, farmer
Fukes, John, miller
Greenhill, Edward, farmer
Haldem, Frank, farmer
Harnden, George, bricklayer
Haines, William, carrier
Hart, William, farmer
Lawrence, William, farmer
Mapleston, George, wheelwright
Mills, Samuel, grazier
Moore, Daniel, grazier
Penticost, William and Richard, farmers
Plowman, William, farmer
Scott, William, farmer
Slingsby, Stephen, poulterer
Stace, Stephen, grazier
Swaffer, Daniel, farmer
Swaffer, Daniel George, farmer
Theobald, William, Queen's Head, and grazier
Theobald, Charles, carpenter
Theobald, Thomas grocer
Venner, William, bootmaker
Woshford, Jeremiah, farrier and farmer
And Last updated on: Friday, 09-Feb-2024 13:22:38 GMT